Why your business needs a business continuity plan (PCB)

It’s an important fact to give the customers 24/7 Services as a business in order to success more in the market.

With regard to give 24/7 Services without downtime, we need to think Business Services could normally run in any condition (even in rainy, windy or flooding days).In other way, Business Continuity Plan (BCP) become important. In this article, I’m going to talk why should a business have BCP.

(1) In our country, natural disasters are common. Not only these natural disasters can cause the downtime the Business Services. But also, Cyber Criminals such as the stuffs unintentionally delete data or if our organization can be attacked by malware or virus because of the staffs with no security awareness can cause service downtime. For this condition, it is necessary to have Business Continuity Plan(BCP) not to have downtime of business operations.

(2) Today, most business make backup their data in a physical location. The problem is what to do if the location used for backup data encounters the natural disasters and when the service is down, how to connect with backup location in order to get services back. Instead of worrying about it, Cloud-based Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Solutions serve to have no downtime with Automation (in the absence of Manual Effort) when the business applications has down which run On-Premises.

(3) The banks and businesses which has Business Continuity Plan(BCP) can access important mission-critical data and Services in anytime and from anywhere, so these can have customer specifications. Even if the customers make choice in the market in compelling with the Competitors, our business that has BCP would have a greater demand.

NEX4 is currently providing Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for banks and businesses. As the business has become growths, complete BCP Plan which make your infrastructure reliable should be scheduled starting from now. Let’s make ‘BCP Planning’ to protect ‘Service Downtime’ risk.

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